Corcovado Foundation is a non-profit organization in Costa Rica striving for community development that is equitable, fair, and in harmony with nature. Since 1998, the Corcovado Foundation has used engagement, education, and capacity-building relationships to involve local communities (primarily, rural, underprivileged, and underserved) to empower them to act as stewards of their natural environment, promoting leadership and innovation that then increases economic and environmental resilience.

CAF Canada and our donors have contributed over $100,000 to support several key initiatives. In part because of this support, the Corcovado Foundation has worked with community members, local authorities, and local businesses on promotion and training for sustainable tourism, regenerative agriculture, and holistic livestock management.
One such project planted 4,000 trees on public lands and restored thirteen acres of rainforest ecosystem, bringing back large mammals like tapirs, pumas, birds, and more. The trees planted by this project have grown to the point where they are large enough to thrive, and will also be cared for by the Foundation for at least three more years. The Foundation’s commitment extends to monitoring population health and replacing trees that don’t survive as well as measuring wildlife populations within this new environment and recording the impact of the project overall.
“The Corcovado Foundation’s partnership with CAF Canada has allowed us to make a meaningful impact on the lives of children and families, fostering awareness, productivity, and commitment to environmental conservation.”
—Alejandra Monge, Executive Director, Fundación Corcovado
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Foundation began dedicating its efforts to promoting regenerative agriculture that provides food security and reduces agrochemical use. To date, fifty families have received enough training and support to implement their projects.
The Corcovado Foundation also works with farmers, helping them improve their efficiency by implementing regenerative cattle farming. This style of holistic cattle farming can help restore ecosystems, fix carbon, and increase income for cattle farmers. The program will enable farmers to map their lands and establish dedicated areas for cattle, reforestation, and forest preservation. Also as a part of the Corcovado Foundation’s agricultural efforts, a group of cattle farmers who in total own and farm over 2,400 acres have committed to implementing holistic cattle management, pledging to restore forests around their land and riverbanks by providing cattle drinking tanks.
“I have lived in Costa Rica’s southern Osa Peninsula for over 40 years. I have witnessed much of the work that the Corcovado Foundation has done. What a difference they have made! Before logging and illegal hunting were rampant. This Illegal activity dropped dramatically after they teamed up with the government and private donors to hire rangers. Their environmental education programs have helped create a culture of sustainability that can be seen daily in the local towns.”
— Zuñiga, Costa Rican resident
Corcovado Foundation is cultivating a legacy of sustainability, empowerment, and environmental harmony for Costa Rica’s rainforests. Their commitment to regenerative cattle farming signifies a forward-thinking approach, aligning economic prosperity with environmental restoration. In restoring not just trees, but ecosystems, livelihoods, and hope, CAF Canada’s partnership with Corcovado Foundation inspires us all to play a role in nurturing a more resilient and harmonious world.

Learn more about the great work done by organizations we support by viewing our other Stories of Impact.